dorka 2007.10.06. 20:25
friendes szavak (1-4 epizód)
Episode 1
- to cancel: to give up a planned activity or event (el/kitöröl, visszavon)
- to starve: to suffer from hunger (éhezni)
- to relieve-relief: feel good after something bad-good feeling after something bad (megkönnyebülni, megkönnyebülés)
- to be on vacation: to be on holiday
- to annul sg- annulment: to announce officilly that a law, an agreement, a marriage is no longer exist (megsemmisít, érvénytelenít, érvénytelenítés)
- wise: very clever and intelligen (bölcs)
- to grant sg: to to give especially as a favour (admányozni, favour= szívesség)
- license plate: number plate (rendszámtábla)
- to resist sg:to fight againts sg (ellenállni)
- to affect sy: to cause some result or change in, influence (befolyásolni, hatni valakire)
Episode 2
- tombstone: stone over the grave with name, dates of birth and death of the dead person (sírkő)
- to bury sy: to put a dead body into a grave (eltemetni)
- upset: worried, unhappy, angry, not calm ( feldúlt)
- to testify: to speak seriously, to tell what is true especially in court (tanúsít, tanúskodik)
- to blink: to close and open you eye quickly ( kacsintani)
- to hook up with sy: to start to have a romantic reliationship with sy ( összejönni vkivel)
- to lay off: to stop doing something (leáll, abbahagyja a munkát)
- creepy: strange or unnatural and making you feel frightened
- custody: the right to take care of a child (felügyeleti jog)
- to drag out sg: to cause an event to continue for more time than is necessary (elnyújt)
Episode 3
- to deny sg: say tath sg is not true (tagadni)
- to reject sg/sy: refuse to accept sg or sy (visszautasít)
- to mock sy: make fun of sg (kigúnyolni)
- to merge: come together and combine (egyesül, egybeolvaszt)
- weepy: tearful (sírós?, könnyes)
- hazard: danger, risk (kockázat)
- to appreciate: value highly sg (értékelni)ú
- worship: respect or love for God ot a god ( imádás)
- to erupt: break out suddenly and violnetly (kitör)
- to comfort sy: give the state of mental and physical well-being to sy (vigasztalni)
Episode 4
- to be obsessed with sg/sy: to be unable to stop thinking about sg/sy (megszállotja lenni vminek/vkinek)
- lecture: lesson at the university
- visual aid: help with projector, picture etc. (látványelem?)
- benefit lapsed: money or something else that is given to help people who need has been stopped? (megszűnetett segély)
- exhausting: tiring (kimerítő)
- fake: not real ( hamis)
- to senak in: to go somewhere secretly (belopódzni)
- to haunt: a dead person comes back (kísérteni)
- blinding pain: a strong ache(pain) (erős fájdalom)
- hernia: a medical condition in which an organ pushes through the muscle which surrounds it J (sérv)